Lebanese Soha Atallah new VP of the World Packaging Organization

Lebanese Soha Atallah new VP of the World Packaging Organization

Soha Attallah, general manager of the Lebanese packaging center Liban Pak affiliated to the Lebanese Industrialists Association, was appointed vice president of the World Packaging Organization. This is the first time that this position is held by an Arab national.


The World Packaging Organization is an international, non-governmental, non-profit international association of national packaging institutes and associations whose mission is to serve the global packaging community. It aims to encourage the development of packaging technology, stimulate education and training, contribute to the development of international trade and improve packaging of national products to increase the competitiveness of packaging in export markets.


The organization has three VPs, each of whom is responsible for a specific field. Attallah will be in charge of international conferences, exhibitions and awards.

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Atallah has 17 years’ experience in industrial development, packaging and food safety in Lebanon and the Arab region. She is one of the founders of Liban Pak, and has proven herself in the field of Lebanese industry, especially through raising awareness of the importance of the packaging sector and organizing the annual Starbak competition for students. During her career, she has been providing packaging and marketing consultancy services to more than 200 industrial establishments in Lebanon and Arab countries.


Attallah has worked with UNIDO for more than 10 years as an international expert in packaging and marketing. 


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