4 things that are wrong with hospitality

4 things that are wrong with hospitality

The hospitality business represents one of the most active and flourishing sectors in the world. It is one of the fastest growing industries and contains frequent guest–host interactions, specifically in the case of organizations that provide service to a diverse group of people. However, this can make it a challenging line of work. Ongoing technological advancements have helped to improve efficiency in customer service, but they also increase the expectations of clients and generate difficulties across the sector. A better understanding of these challenges would give hospitality managers a clear edge over the competition. Hoda Naim, founder and managing director of Vacancy tells us more

1. Safety and security challenges
Dealing with safety is one of the top management issues in hospitality and plays a significant role in the broader sector. To address this challenge, hospitality managers have to rely on high-tech software, which is usually expensive to acquire and maintain. Managers must provide safety and security training for their employees. This training is essential; management should train every employee to be able to face any incident, such as a fire or other emergency. Training must also provide information on creating a culture of safety that keeps guests and employees safe and secure.

2. Employee turnover
Employee turnover is one of the most significant management issues in the hospitality sector, standing at almost double the average of other industries. The shortage of skilled employees has increased and become one of the most challenging issues in the hospitality sector. In response, managers must learn what’s needed to retain their experienced employees in a setting where the competition is increasing. In addition, the demands and expectations of clients loom larger with the growth of social media and technology.

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Several factors are contributing to the rise in turnover in the sector:
3. Long hours and inflexible schedules
Employees in the hospitality industry rarely have a fixed schedule since it often varies from one week to another. As such, they may not know their day off one week in advance or whether they will be required to work extra hours. This uncertainty is a cause of stress. Hospitality managers must be clear and consistent in releasing the weekly schedule. They should let employees know ahead of time about their expected working days and inform them early if they have to work additional hours.

4. Rush and demanding environment
The hospitality industry is a highly pressurized and demanding environment. Not everyone can handle this kind of pressure, which produces significant levels of turnover. Managers have to create as positive a culture as possible and look for new ways of improving the workplace for their employees. One way is by asking for their feedback and for realistic ideas that can be implemented in day-to-day operations to help make the company culture happy and healthy.


Hoda Naim
Founder and managing director

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