What strategies is Qatar Tourism employing to promote tourism in Qatar?
In order to attract more visitors to Qatar, we are leveraging the infrastructure developed for the World Cup, infrastructure which is capable of hosting even larger numbers of visitors. Additionally, we are actively pursuing partnerships with various tourism bodies in the region, as well as numerous agencies and tour operators. This endeavor focuses on capturing the largest number of visitors and tourists while facilitating their enjoyment of Qatar.
Who are the primary target markets?
We are targeting different regions and different countries around the world. However, our main markets are KSA, UK, USA, as well as China and India.
What can you tell us about upcoming campaigns or initiatives by Qatar Tourism to attract visitors?
We have several campaigns and initiatives planned. One of them is “Summer in Qatar,” featuring a variety of activations and water activities for visitors to enjoy. Additionally, we’ve launched the stopover campaign in partnership with Qatar Airways, allowing travelers to pause in Doha for a few days before continuing their journey. Collaborating with a global airline like Qatar Airways, which connects over 170 cities worldwide, is a significant opportunity. Moreover, we collaborated with Visit Saudi on “Double the Destination.” The campaign offered travelers the chance to experience both Saudi Arabia and Qatar in a single journey.
How does Qatar Tourism plan to differentiate Qatar from other tourist destinations?
Qatar is well known for being a family-friendly and safe destination. We are therefore trying to emphasize these elements to encourage more tourists to visit Qatar.