Umrah Sahla Travel and Tourism acquires OTA MyHotels.SA

Umrah Sahla Travel and Tourism acquires OTA MyHotels.SA

MyHotels.SA is a full service, global travel agency, with multi-tiered packages: Flight reservations, airport transfers, and accommodations.

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The region to kick-start sustainable investment in the hospitality sector

The region to kick-start sustainable investment in the hospitality sector

ATM Virtual concluded on Wednesday 3rd June 2020, a total of 18,959 registrations from 152 countries were recorded, including 490 media

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How MENA airports are getting ready to post COVID-19 travels

How MENA airports are getting ready to post COVID-19 travels

As the world is slowly preparing to commence a new phase of interactivity, business, and commuting, trying to live with COVID-19 new momentum, HN explores how some of the MENA region’s are getting ready to kick off their flight schedules.

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