CEOs should ask themselves a simple question: what is my top priority? Ultimately, a CEO defines the business’ ceiling of growth, and that is only limited by their own personal growth. The challenge is to find suitable learning experiences that are relevant and fit into their busy lives.
Enlightened leaders are those that are aware of their “blind spots,” knowing that there are things that they cannot see: the mysterious “unknown” sector of the Johari window. Understanding that there is a very real area of untapped potential is vital to inspiring the shift toward growth. Striving to discover this space through personal growth is a path of personal discovery like no other and is the one that we must tread should we wish to be the leaders that our companies need.
Here are seven thoughts for CEOs to consider:
It is essential that a CEO defines their direction. Where are they going in life and what is it that they are trying to attain on a personal level? The role of CEO must be selfless and unconflicted, neither a means to an end nor a job. It must consume and coalesce with the personal life goals of the CEO.
What you think of yourself is not nearly as important as what others think of you. As a CEO, it is essential that you are the master of the message that others perceive you are sending. Craft the message that they hear and not the one that pleases you.
Maintain your silence, and do not reveal your emotions and thoughts before you are sure of them. Once your ideas and thoughts are out there, it is extremely hard to shift your position. As CEO, your word carries significant weight, so take time to ponder decisions before making announcements in public.
Amplified moments of genius
CEOs do not have to be up front and center all day, every day. At times, they need to demonstrate their insight and value in “breakthrough decision making.” Creating a more powerful sense of trust and a clear indication of leadership is vital. Alternate between keeping a low profile and revealing and enlarging ideas while celebrating the achievements of team members.
Survey your organization from the top. Avoid getting stuck in trivial day-to-day issues. When you engage in details, you are no longer able to master the entire organization. Stay focused on building shareholder value and, occasionally, reveal your knowledge by asking targeted questions about tiny matters that only an expert would know.
Share your magic
It is insufficient for you to have made it; it is your role and duty to inspire and encourage others to grow too, occasionally taking the time to mentor others who would least expect it. Over time, this will change the spirit and direction of your business.
Intern at the Wisdom Council
You are a CEO, so invite other CEOs to join you for dinner or an interesting experience where you can learn from each other. Be humble.
To learn more about these topics and engage in them, reach out for details on our CEO Mentoring Program.
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