How Saudi Arabia can harness retired expat talent

How Saudi Arabia can harness retired expat talent

As Saudi Arabia continues to develop and diversify its economy, the need for skilled professionals has reached an unprecedented level. Dagmar Symes, CEO of Hill Robinson Estates Saudia LLC, shares her views on the social reforms in KSA and how retired expat talent can be leveraged.

Retired expats: a valuable resource for Saudi Arabia

Labor reforms were positively impacted thanks to the skills training provided to the upcoming young population in the kingdom. There is a dire need for educational advances and developments in all areas. Indeed, tertiary and vocational education would further support in providing workforce inputs needed for Saudi Arabia to compete at the global level.

Overall, Saudi Arabian culture emphasizes the importance of honoring and caring for the elderly as an integral part of societal values.

How KSA can attract and retain retired expats

By welcoming “retired” experts as expatriates, KSA can benefit from their extensive international experience and mentorship capabilities for the transfer of specialized skills, best practices and the cultivation of a new generation of highly skilled professionals. With decades of industry-specific experience, these professionals hold the key to developing young talents and fostering a vibrant professional community. Their experiences and wealth of information will truly act as an inspiring force in the minds of this country’s youth.

Furthermore, their diverse backgrounds and exposure to different work cultures can inspire innovative approaches to problem-solving while simultaneously helping KSA adapt to rapidly changing market dynamics.

The benefits of attracting retired expats:

  • Transfer knowledge and skills to the younger workforce

By actively seeking specialist expats, Saudi Arabia can harness the immense values they have practiced for generations. Furthermore, the integration of retired professionals for knowledge transfer, mentorship and innovation will ultimately drive economic growth by creating a robust professional ecosystem. With the right strategies and support systems in place, KSA can attract and retain these individuals. In addition, they will contribute to the country’s development while enjoying a fulfilling retirement experience in the vibrant and dynamic environment of Saudi Arabia.

  • Mentor and coach young professionals

Experienced professionals possess industrial knowledge vital for the sustainability and advancement of today’s economy. They acknowledge their strengths, address their weaknesses and have the confidence to lead effectively, meet business needs and create sustainable outcomes.

  • Bring new ideas and perspectives to the table

Those with decades of experience often look at the bigger picture and are good at problem solving. It is thus important to encourage this pool of mentors and coaches for the benefit of the future generation.

Looking past ageism

Ageism is prevalent in the Western world and can bring great disadvantages to the workforce if not addressed. We should look beyond grey hair or a few wrinkles in favor of the experience older people can bring to an organization.

Diversity remains an important focus point, and companies are continually searching for new ways to enhance inclusivity, making the workplace more tolerant and understanding. Thus, merging the older generation with the young can, by default, create a highly stimulating work environment, benefiting both ends of the age spectrum, much like a perfectly balanced scale! Remember, age is just a number; wisdom is priceless.

Dagmar Symes,
CEO of Hill Robinson Estates Saudia LLC

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